Monday, February 11, 2013

Psalm 40...for when you start to slip

I waited "patiently" for you, God;
you heard me crying and turned to look at me.
You saw where I was... neck-deep in shit!
You weren't put off by that--
You reached right in and took hold of me,
cleaned me up and set my feet on solid ground.
You gave me something new to sing and talk about...
for the first time I was grateful.
When others see what you've done for me...
how can they not trust in you, too!

But some trust in the things of this world;
in success, power, savings accounts and status.
Don't they know that those things disintegrate without warning?
They come and go.  They have no power to save.
But you do.
You have planned wonderful things for my life.
Even now I know you are weaving endless threads together;
making something beautiful of the life I have entrusted to you.

What you require of me seems so small
in light of what you have done for me.
You don't want extravagant sacrifice--
just the gift of my willing and obedient heart.
I want to do this, you've given me a life with purpose.

I want to tell others about your goodness,
your righteousness and your truth.
I don't want to hide any of it anymore.

But God, please continue to be merciful to me and protect me
because I feel that I am falling...
sinking into the muck again.
I continue to mess things up-- day after day.
I can't even keep track of my sins--
sins of thought and deed, sins of commission and omission.
I get so frickin' discouraged.

So Lord, save me again and again.
Some people are so quick to point their finger!
They take secret pleasure at watching me fail.
Please deal with them as you see fit.

In the mean time, thank you-- you've surrounded me with people who know you.
They can rejoice with me because they know.
My story makes sense to them
because it is their story--
they've been rescued too!

I know that I am just small,
I can't do this on my own.
I can't do anything on my own.
So I trust in you completely
to help me,
to help me today,
to help me now.

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