Friday, January 25, 2013

Phillipians 4:4-7

Rejoice in the Lord!
I'm going to say it again so it can really marinate.
Rejoice in the Lord!
(Don't be snarky, don't be sarcastic, don't be sullen or sad!)
Henceforth, your overriding emotion shall be... JOY!
Got it?
The Lord has been gentle with you,
Be gentle to others.
He is always near.
So, whatever is making you nervous, anxious, worried or upset…
bring it all to Him and lay it down at His feet.
Pray about the big, heart-wrenching, peace-destroying things
and the small, nagging, stealing-your-joy-daily things.
Pray with thankfulness in your heart and trust Him.
He is working all things out
for your good and His glory.
When you lay everything before Him,
He does this amazing thing…
He takes your pain
and exchanges it for His peace.
What a transaction!
Rejoice in the Lord.
I will say it again, rejoice.

“Oh what peace we often forfeit!
Oh what needless pain we bear!
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”
– Joseph Scriven

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