Monday, January 28, 2013

Psalm 42... It's okay to wonder where He is

I need you desperately.
Why can't I find you?
I am overwhelmed by sadness...
I feel like your light has gone out of me.
This didn't use to be so hard.
I remember how easy it was to praise you...
heck, I used to lead others to praise you too.

But now... I don't understand my grief
or the darkness that has settled over me.
I know I should praise you.
I know that you are my Savior,
I know that you are my God.

Now, more than ever, I recognize my need for you.
You have been with me on the mountaintops of my life...
be with me in the depths.
Be with me now.
Remind me of your love... let it wash over me.

In my head, I know that You are always with me.
You direct me by day and sing over me at night.

But sometimes Lord, I feel forgotten.
I am plodding along in despair.
I cover my ears with my hands,
trying to block out the taunting voices of the evil one.
They ask me, "Where is your God?"
My soul asks the same.

I am overwhelmed by sadness...
the light has gone out of me.
Help me to hope in you again.
I want to praise you
my Savior,
my God.

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