Friday, January 18, 2013

Isaiah 40 for Dummies (like me)

Isaiah 40

Dear Church,

Don't be sad.  I know that things have been really bad and the outlook is bleak, but I am here to tell you that the worst is over.

Get ready… I am coming!

But before I get there, I need you to take care of a few things.  First, every high place of pride and self-sufficiency needs to be made low, and every valley of shame and unworthiness needs to be raised to the glorious hope of sins forgiven and true redemption as my sons and daughters.  Also, there are some obstacles that need to be removed from the road… every stumbling stone of hurt, fear and doubt that I am able to do what I say I will do.

Everything you do and everything you are will pass away… but my perfect word remains.

It’s time to preach that word again… it's good news so speak it loudly and without fear.  Forget about being politically correct.  I really am the only way.... I am not just one of several acceptable options.  And though my name is Mighty God and I am full of terrible power, I love you dearly and I will care tenderly for you.  I am gathering you together again and I will gently lead you.

Listen up church-- can your wisdom compare to mine?   Do you have a better plan than I have?  

This is the are just little. There is nothing you can do to please me.  I know what you are and I know what I AM.

Oh, twenty-first century church people, to whom will you compare me?  Am I a thing to manipulate? Am I a benign god that you have created to meet your needs and purposes?  

Do you not know, have you not heard?  Yes, you have heard. You’ve learned the truth and now it’s time to remember it and live it.  I am the one true God.  I watch countries, kingdoms and governments come and go.  They are insignificant. Your wisdom will never compare to mine, your works will never compare to the work of my hands.  If you need to be reminded, look up at the stars tonight.  I keep the heavens in perfect order. Can you do that?

I really am the everlasting God.  I created the earth and sustain it.  If that doesn’t tire me out, then what will?  My understanding is perfect and I have ALL the answers. 

My precious people, you are all tired because you have been trusting in your own strength.  It is time to put all your hope in Me. I will surely renew your strength.  Now, do you want to limp along in your own abilities or would you prefer to soar on wings like eagles?

The time for running is now… run with the wind of the Spirit on your backs.  Run in MY will and you will not grow weary.  Walk in MY love and grace and you will not be faint.

And here's the thing dear church-- when you live and act with my spirit, when you work and serve with my strength; MY glory will be revealed to the world.

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